We could all use some levity

We all know how terrible it is to have someone say “oh my God, you HAVE to see this video” and then stand over you as you watch said video, but sometimes you just really want to share something!! So, this is me doing that but with absolutely no pressure on your part to laugh where I laughed, to like it, or to even watch it! Plus, I miss that about college – sharing ridiculous videos with friends and roommates. Let’s all be honest, it feels great to relive the glory days of college.

So be my college roommate and take some time on YouTube with me…

Original Adventure Time video

I know this is a tv show on Cartoon Network and all that (good for them!), but before any of that happened, it was just this weird YouTube video that I enjoyed in college. “My hat is AWESOME!” Just cracks me up.

David after the dentist

I know this is one that we’ve probably all seen a million times, but it’s so good. Kids are funny.

She poked my heart

If you don’t think this is adorable, then I don’t know what to tell you. Sprinkling vs. Raining is still a discussion my husband and I have today. But my mom says it’s spwinkling!

Goats screaming like humans

You know, I gotta admit that this didn’t get me as hard the second time around, but the first time I watched it, I laughed so hard I cried,

Aicha – the song

Remember when YouTube was just this place for terrible songs to become famous (Chocolate Rain, anyone?)? Well, this is one of those songs.

Worry ’bout yo’self!

A mantra we could all live by…

Moms When there’s company


And boom goes the dynamite

You know this one is pretty old, because it’s from ebaumsworld. This guy is having a rough day. I think the first comment on YouTube says it best: “Man, you just know this guy lies awake at night, thinking about this news report. Every night. For the rest of his life.”

I want the gold!

Give me the gold, This is almost certainly racist, but I like to think it’s just a bunch of people messing with the local news. I mean that amateur sketch?

I know that there’s a lot of good videos out there and you’ve probably already seen a bunch of these, but these are just some that I love. And I hope you love them, too.

Two truths and a lie

I realized recently that because I don’t work, I am unlikely to ever have to play an ice breaker game again. This is mostly a good thing, because we all know they can be rather cheesy, but I think I have a killer two truths and a lie! Then I thought to myself let’s just play it here! So, please, in the comments, tell me your two truths and a lie and you can guess which of mine are true and which is a lie.

If you aren’t familiar with Two Truths and a Lie, lucky you, but also, here’s how it goes: you tell us 3 things about yourself. Two of them are real and one of them is, you guessed it, not real.

Here are mine:

A) I met Michael Jordan at summer camp once

2) I’ve never been to the state of Texas

Lastly) I once took a shot with Dave Grohl (drummer of Nirvana and lead singer of The Foo Fighters)